
Still my favorite times of year...

Since we'll be on the east coast for Christmas, the kids and I enjoyed a lovely early Christmas dinner at the folks house. It was just like the one's growing up and it's so fun to watch my kiddos experience the same traditions.

First off was the setting of the table and enjoying grace before digging into turkey, cranberry sauce (which surprisingly Jenna LOVED), mash potatoes, green beans and sweet potatoes. And of course my favorite, hot buttery rolls. Admit it, you are hungry now aren't you? I am just mad I forgot to bring some leftover turkey home for my late night turkey sammich. Bummer. We also prayed Papa will be home by Christmas, as I got a late night call saying that it is a possibility he won't be. We are trying to keep faith though and not get too heartbroken yet.

Next was the awesomeness of making and decorating cookies. Excuse the quality of the pics, taken with my iphone because I forgot the Nikon at home tonight in my frenzy to wrap and load Christmas gifts into the car along with two very excited children.

Finally, after much begging and pleading, we dived into the passing out of gifts (yes, Jenna and Nate were doing the begging, not me or my sister Megan! Ha. Okay well not too much anyways).

The kids were adorable, as they were more excited about the gifts they gave than what they were getting. I had taken them earlier that day with $8 each to "The Dollar Tree" and a list of people to get for and let them loose to choose what they wanted to get. They had sooooo much fun finding unique and fun things for everyone.

The prized purchases were probably the Jeff Gordan poster that Nate picked out for Papaw and the wine glasses Jenna got for me, Megan and Joe. Mine was the fake Uggs for my mom, she loved them! The funniest was the silly string that Nate got his Uncle Joe... because he's a "prankster". I think Megan was happy I had veto'd the air horn he WANTED to get Joe. LOL.

Nate got an awesome Charades game for kids and we all played it. It was so much fun and many laughs were had by all. We got some good video of it too that I plan to post to youtube or facebook soon. I am still giggling.

The only sad part was missing Aunt Misty, Uncle Chris and little Chase. Hopefully next year we will all be together. Seeing the cousins play on Christmas morning will be like being a kid all over again, I am sure.

I am off to cuddle with the kids and watch some Nutcracker Ballet on TV. The kids love it as much as I do. Next two days will be crazy with our whirlwind of packing to get ready for our trip.

Next stop is Disney and the beautiful Christmas Lights, stringing popcorn and cranberries for the Christmas Tree, and awaiting the arrival of the big guy.... Papa (oh and Santa too). Haha.


Dear Santa (I've been a good girl)

Such a fun afternoon, that I had to sit down and blog.

Isn't Christmas fun? If you don't agree... just remember back to your own childhood, then get down and look at it through your kid's eyes. That's what I've been doing lately, and I promise that magic of the holiday is back with me full-force.

Today was the kiddo's Christmas parties at school. (Pictures later I promise... although I forgot to bring a memory card for my Nikon D90 and had to use my Olympus P&S instead... dumb mommy photographer moment that I will continue to kick myself for I am sure).

First I headed to Nate's party... complete with Christmas Tree shaped "Little Debbies", colored Goldfish crackers, and Capri Suns. Mmmmm Kindergarten gourmet fo'sure. :)

He was one proud little boy showing off his mama to his class. I think his smile was in danger of cutting his face in two. He was shining as bright as a new package. Man that made my heart warm. There were only two other mom's in attendance. One little girl kept crying "I want MY mommy" the entire party. I felt really bad for her. Parents --- take a two hour lunch and go to your kid's holiday parties at least once during the year. Seriously easy way to make your kids feel valued and important. (Okay, off my soapbox now)... Next, I was asked to play DJ for the "Musical Reindeer" game. (Think Musical Chairs, but everyone sits on the floor in a circle and passes a stuffed reindeer from person to person around the circle until the music stops, whoever is holding at that point is "out"... ad nauseam. We played about 5 times. Mariah Carey on repeat for that long with screaming 5 year olds is enough to give anyone a headache, so I refuse to blame it on the sinus infection I am starting to get. (hahaha) No, but really... it was a lot of fun and I got to see a portion of Nate's day that I don't normally get to. Priceless.

Next I was off to Jenna's classroom on the other side of the school (after getting lost by turning down the wrong hallway... TWICE.) Her class was more structured and tame in comparison, but throw in a couple pieces of candy, a cookie and a robust game of "Christmas Words Bingo" and the noise of a roomfull of second graders could rival the 5 year olds anyday. I was again asked to be DJ (what, do I look like the loudmouth out of the group of parents or what?). As I called out words like "Santa" "Tree" "Sliegh"... I couldn't help be amazed that my sweet little girl was READING this year and writing letters to Santa (all. by. herself.) Where has the last 7 years gone and who is this little lady that says "please" and "thank you" and "yes ma'am" without having to be reminded now? I have to say... I am one proud but nostalgic mama. I kinda miss that curly-haired little girl that wouldn't leave my sight for more than 1 minute.

My favorite was reading her letter to Santa. As a photographer, I have to say its fun to see her interested in the same stuff I am and asking for a digital camera for Christmas (shhhh... don't tell her, but I have it on good record that Santa will be getting her exactly what she wants this year!)

And it was fun at the end of the party when she said "Mom, can you give me one of your business cards, my friend and I want to schedule a playdate and she's going to give it to her mom." So grown up.

Where is that pause button again?


Be Merry

I know... I know... I suck at blogging these past few months. I assure you I miss it and I feel like my creative brain is begging me to get some writing in.

Many of you know that I have been in a legal battle with my ex for a long time, so that has also hampered my writing, as anything "can and will be used against you" in a court of law (ha). Therefore, my creative energy feels extremely censored under that kind of negativity.

I write about my memories, my life... what I've learned and experienced. Much of that is being put on hold right now, so I apologize for feeling less than inspired these days.

But that all being said, life is good. Better than good. It's GRRRR-REAT! (Yes, I invoked some Tony the Tiger there... I hang out with the under 10 crowd entirely too much these days).

The kiddos are keeping me busy (and happy) with all the holiday madness. I think 7 and 5 are the perfect age for Christmas. Old enough to understand the true meaning of the holidays, but young enough to still believe in it's magic as well.

We went to see Santa the other day at the Bass Pro Shop in Grapevine. They do such an awesome presentation of Santa and other fun things for kids. I am really impressed each year when we go, especially when you consider it's ALL FREE! The Santa pictures, playing with the lazer rifle game, the electric racecars, even the horse drawn carriage outside. And as a photographer, I loved it because the photo ops there were ENDLESS.

I strapped on my trusty Nikon D90, geared the kids up in hats, scarves and gloves and off we went. Three hours later I had about 100 pictures and two very happy but tired kiddos. I also had a little boy that went from wanting a Nintendo DS from Santa to wanting a Red Rover B-B gun (oi vey!) and a little GIRL who instead of wanting anything girly, wants a fishing pole and a crossbow in pink camo. Well, atleast that will make their soon-to-be stepdad happy, since he's an avid outdoorsman. But mama bear is LESS than pleased. I think I am outnumbered though.

This time of year always reminds me of our Christmases growing up. We never had much, but I still remember it being magical, no matter what we found under the tree that morning. I was never disappointed, as whatever Santa brough seemed to be JUST right. I hope my own kids will have the same memory about Christmas when they grow up.

This year, instead of digging out all the ornaments and doing the "fancy" tree, we plan on getting a REAL tree and making all of our decorations. I am really looking forward to this. We are going to string cranberries and popcorn and make construction paper and ribbon ornaments. Hang candy canes and paper chain garland. I am excited about our "Charlie Brown" tree. Of course I will be there taking pictures to make sure we have the memories captured forever. But I hope the feeling of family togetherness will burn in the kid's memory as well. This will be our first Christmas in our blended family and we are all looking forward to it so much.

Okay, enough holiday rambling... I thought it would be fun to share some of your favorite/memorable childhood "Santa Gifts". Here are a few of mine. Be sure to comment and post yours as well!

1. Age 7 - royal blue blowdryer (I was BIG time with my own blowdryer for my curly hair! Ha)
2. Age 12 - A cassette tape (NOT dubbed from the radio) of Poisen "Look what the Cat drug in"
3. Age 15 - A CD player and black knee high boots (I was cool I tell ya)

Have a merry Christmas and Happy (but SAFE) New Year all my friends. I promise to be more faithful to my blog in 2010. (I won't even put it on my resolutions list, so that way I REALLY WILL do it) LOL.
